11-12 October 2024 | Sofitel Obelisk - Dubai - UAE
5th Annual EOS ConferenceEOS, ESCEO & IOF
Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis Summit
and THE 5th Annual EOS Conference
In collaboration with

Why You Need to Attend

Valuable networking opportunities for attendees to connect with peers and experts in the field

Leading experts and professionals will converge to explore the latest advancements and foster collaboration.

Spark New Ideas
Local and regional speakers, covering domains of osteoporosis, rheumatology, osteoarthritis, and vitamin D and calcium therapies

Welcome to Summit Emirates Osteoporosis Society (EOS)
We are thrilled to welcome you to the Summit Emirates Osteoporosis Society (EOS), The European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis (ESCEO) & International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), scheduled to take place from October 11th to 12th, 2024, at the Sofitel Obelisk, Dubai, United Arab Emirates alongside our EOS 5th Annual Conference.

Summir Schedules
Summit Flyer
Register Your Seat
Summit Location
Sofitel Obelisk - Dubai - UAE

Wafi - Sheikh Rashid Rd,
Umm Hurair 2,
United Arab Emirates